Exciting news for our research community! We’ve introduced a feature that promises to help streamline collaboration and enhance productivity for researchers. Labfront’s new collaborator feature allows researchers to invite their colleagues to join their projects in a variety of capacities, making it easier and more efficient for teams to work together.
Why Invite Workspace Collaborators?
Consider inviting someone as a workspace collaborator when you are working on projects together and want to ensure that you have access to the same information, regardless of location or timezone. Collaborators will have a comprehensive view of your projects and you can manage their permissions as needed.
Benefits of Collaborating on Labfront
Labfront's collaborator feature offers several key benefits to researchers, including:
- Secure sharing of projects with colleagues, ensuring the privacy and security of your data.
- The ability to delegate tasks to team members, maximizing everyone's unique skill set and improving efficiency.
- Enhanced collaboration between researchers from different disciplines and institutions, making it easier to work together on large-scale projects.
How to Use the Collaborator Feature
To take advantage of this feature, your collaborators will need to have a Labfront account. If they don't have one, they can easily register for one.
Once they have an account, you can invite them to your workspace by clicking Add Collaborator at the top of your workspace. This will open the share dialog, from which you can manage invites and permission levels.
Read our article on adding a collaborator to learn more on how to invite someone to a workspace.
Every workspace collaborator has a permission level–Editor, Admin, or Viewer– which determines what they can or cannot do for all of the projects in the workspace (for example, whether they can view, make edits, or delete projects).
Labfront's latest feature is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making it easy for multiple researchers to collaborate and work together. This is just the first step. As our CEO mentioned in his post, collaboration is the future of research. Stay tuned as we will announce many more collaboration-focused features in the coming months.