Advancing research for a healthier future for women

women's health research topics research studies
Comprehensive Real-World Data

Get a more detailed look into women’s lives and experiences, 24/7

Labfront simplifies the collection of continuous wearable data to provide a more complete picture of participants' daily lives.

Combine survey data with key metrics such as heart rate variability, sleep patterns, physical activity, and stress to uncover nuanced patterns in women’s health.

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High-resolution raw data (HRV, actigraphy)
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Remote-friendly solution
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Integrated questionnaires
person in bed while heart rate and questionnaire data is being collectedperson in bed while heart rate data and questionnaire data is being collected
woman doing yoga with labfront app screenshotsperson sleeping with sleep data being collected
All-In-One Platform

Streamline your workflow - from collection to analysis

Optimize your research process with Labfront’s all-in-one platform. Easily collect, access and analyze participant data with our user-friendly tools.

Automated reminders and near-real-time tracking improve participant compliance.

No more complex setups—just a smoother, more efficient experience.

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Customized participant app
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Near-real-time adherence tracking
Advanced Analytics

Transform raw data into meaningful insights

Visualize and interpret data specific to your research needs, whether you're studying how exercise impacts postpartum recovery or tracking sleep quality during pregnancy. Use our validated reports to spot trends and make informed decisions.

Labfront also offers customized analytics to help you uncover key findings and deepen your understanding of women’s health.

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No-code data visualizer
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Validated analytics reports
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On-demand data scientist services
labfront data visualizerperson in bed while heart rate data and questionnaire data is being collected

Track the data that matters most to your study

From lifestyle data like activity and step count to detailed beat-to-beat interval that helps you derive heart rate variability, we've got you covered.

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Heart Rate Interval (BBI/RRI)
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Heart rate interval (also known as RRI/IBI/BBI) is the time between each individual heartbeat. RR-Interval captured via ECG is available from Movesense devices. BBI captured through the pulse can be obtained from Garmin wearables.

How can it benefit your study?

From BBI data, researchers are able to derive valuable metrics such as heart rate variability (HRV) at the most granular level available. HRV is an accepted measure to approximate autonomic nervous system (ANS) function.

Sampling Rate

Each heartbeat

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Find out how Dr. Ann Hsing from Stanford derived HRV from Garmin’s BBI data to measure wellbeing in her participants.

Stanford Well for Life Wearable Pilot Study

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Actigraphy (Sleep)
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Actigraphy is a non-invasive method used to monitor human rest/activity cycles via an accelerometer-equipped device. We've adapted medical-grade actigraphy algorithms to process raw accelerometer data from Garmin wearables, achieving over 95% accuracy. Our solution provides access to two leading methods: movement energy and movement frequency/zero-crossing.

How can it benefit your study?

Get research-grade sleep data by remotely monitoring sleep in a participant's natural environment, offering more comprehensive insights into overall sleep patterns than a few nights in a lab.

Sampling Rate

10 sec - 1 min

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Exploring actigraphy: Discoveries from our sleep tracking experiments

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Learn more about using actigraphy in Labfront

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Blood Glucose
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With Labfront's Dexcom integration, easily access high-resolution continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) data to measure metabolic health.

How can it benefit your study?

Analyze daily glucose trends, patterns, and significant fluctuations, providing critical insights into individual glycemic statuses.

Sampling Rate

5 min

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Explore clinical studies and expert guidelines showcasing the benefits of Dexcom CGM systems in enhancing diabetes outcomes.

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Skin Temperature (Coming Soon)
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Changes in skin temperature can be related to hormonal fluctuations related to menstrual cycles and menopause. Skin temperature monitoring is available via compatible Garmin devices.

How can it benefit your study?

Skin temperature monitoring can help researchers track menstrual cycle phases, detect ovulation, and monitor hormonal changes, providing valuable insights into reproductive health and potential conditions such as PCOS or menopausal transitions.

Sampling Rate

10 sec - 1 hr

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Learn more about Garmin Connect's skin temperature feature.

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ECG Waveform
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High resolution electrocardiogram (ECG) data is the gold standard for heart rate rate monitoring, especially useful if you are measuring during exercise.

How can it benefit your study?

This data can be used to derive HRV as well as sleep apnea (cardiopulmonary coupling), or to detect heart tremors and atrial fibrillation.

Sampling Rate

125Hz - 500Hz

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Check out this study validating the Movesense Medical sensor against a conventional 12 channel ECG for measuring HRV.

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Motion Tracking
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With Labfront and Movesense, track any type of motion with high-resolution 9-axis motion tracking. Get IMU data in aggregate or individually select from 3-axis accelerometer data, 3-axis gyroscope data, and 3-axis magnetometer data.

How can it benefit your study?

Used to track everything from walking cadence and gait to tremors from Parkinson's.

Sampling Rate

12.5Hz - 208Hz

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Read this study presenting a mobile fall risk assessment solution for daily-life settings that uses Movesense acceleration data.

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Daily Summary
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A robust CSV file offering valuable insights on a number of different metrics over the course of a participant’s day. Each row of statistics represents one day.

How can it benefit your study?

Researchers are able to observe high-level data for each day such as average heart rate, maximum/minimum stress levels, total steps taken, calories burned, etc.

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View how the daily summary data is organized for you in Labfront.

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Activity Summary
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This file contains activity types- from walking to running to cycling- and the intensities of such activities for each of your participants.

How can it benefit your study?

With this data, you can derive ratios such as amount of time spent active versus the amount of time spent sedentary over the course of a specific time period.

Sampling Rate

15 min

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Learn how Jenn from Duke University used the activity data to better understand her cystic fibrosis patients’ exercise regime during their rehabilition program.

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Calculated through a combination of actigraphy and heart rate data, Garmin’s sleep data files can offer you a column by column break down of sleep duration, sleep staging and sleep quality for each participant.

How can it benefit your study?

Gain more insight into overall sleep patterns than just one or two nights in a lab can offer by remotely monitoring sleep in a participant’s natural environment.

Sampling Rate


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See how the Garmin Vivosmart performed in a 2018 sleep validation study.

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Learn more about Garmin’s sleep data files here.

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Heart Rate (via pulse)
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Collect heart rate data at the sampling rate of your choice. Garmin’s specially tuned PPG sensors can also pick up each individual heart beat and provide you with heart rate interval data, one of the most unique metrics available in the consumer wearable market.

How can it benefit your study?

Heart rate is useful for measuring stress, exercise intensity, arrhythmia detection, and so much more.

Sampling Rate

1 sec - 60 min

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Learn how Garmin’s Heart Rate data metric performed when compared to an ECG.

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Check out our validation study on the HR accuracy of the Garmin vivosmart 4 compared to an EKG.

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This numerical output is calculated based on a combination of a participant’s heart rate, activity, and heart rate variability data.

How can it benefit your study?

Traditionally evaluated based on self-reported data alone, researchers can now obtain a more objective representation of their participants’ stress levels through Garmin’s stress score.

Sampling Rate

10 sec - 60 min

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Read more about how this psychotherapy feasibility study looked at stress in seven different case examples.

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Learn more about how Garmin derives its stress score

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Approximate activity by tracking the amount of steps taken each day by each participant over the course of your study.

How can it benefit your study?

Rather than relying on subjective self-reporting, measuring steps can add an objective assessment of physical activity to your research.

Sampling Rate

1 min - 15 min

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Read a comparison study of three activity trackers and how they performed in a study observing activity in older adults.  

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Respiration tracks breathing rate throughout the day, during sleep, and during activities such as breathwork and yoga. It is measured in breaths per minute.

How can it benefit your study?

Respiratory rate is usually a stable metric, so an increased respiratory rate may be a sign of illness or stress (especially when paired with low activity). Tracking respiration can be useful for sleep staging as well.

Sampling Rate

10 sec - 60 min

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Respiration is only supported on some Garmin devices, such as the vivosmart 5 and Venu SQ.  Check our compatible devices page for the full list.

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Oxygen Saturation
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Although most often measured using a finger clip, blood oxygen saturation can also be obtained on the wrist. Select Garmin wearables support wrist-based blood oxymetry.

How can it benefit your study?

Fluctuations in blood oxygen levels can help provide insight into a participant’s overall health. Also used to in sleep apnea measurements.

Sampling Rate

10 sec - 60 min

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View how SpO2 measurements taken via a Garmin fēnix® watch compare to those taken on a standard medical-grade pulse oximeter.

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Zero Crossings
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Paired with Labfront, Garmin wearables offer the ability to aggregate 3-axis accelerometer data into zero-crossing (ZC) data. This is the number of times the signal crosses the zero axis. Generally, the ZC of an acceleration signal measures movement frequency. The threshold is also configurable.

How can it benefit your study?

Zero crossings is useful for sleep research as it can help determine sleep and wake periods (actigraphy is derived from zero crossing data).

Sampling Rate

60 min, 30 min, 15 min, 3 min, 1 min, 30 sec

Research Highlight

Case Study

Sprint Interval Training in Postpartum Athletes

Labfront’s Women’s Health Grant 2023 recipient, Normand Richard, published a study exploring the effects of sprint interval training (SIT) on maintaining enhanced cardiac output postpartum. The research centered on a competitive field hockey player and former cyclist, who started SIT five weeks postpartum after an uncomplicated delivery.

The study aimed to evaluate whether early postpartum SIT could sustain the increased cardiac output (Q̇) and blood volume (BV) observed during pregnancy, which support fetal growth and are known to enhance athletic performance.

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Labfront’s technology enabled us to collect novel data easily.

researcher normand richard
Normand Richard
Simon Fraser University
person running

Using wearables to study women's health

Running Mechanics, Strength, and Incontinence in Female Runners
COVID-19 Impact on Substance Use & Health in Pregnant/Postpartum Women
Menstrual Cycle Phase, Running Intensity, and Fatigue Differences
Impact of Physical Activity on Sleep and Sedentary Time in Pregnancy
Physical Activity and Glycemic Control in Gestational Diabetes
FitMum RCT: Exercise Training vs. Counseling on Physical Activity in Pregnancy
Aerobic & Resistance Training Enhance Physical & Cognitive Functions in Women with Lupus
Physical Activity Intervention and Sleep Quality in Breast Cancer Survivors
7-Month IoT Monitoring of Health in Pregnant and Postpartum Women
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researcher in front of data charts

Turn data into insights with Labfront Analytics

Our team of data scientists will work with you to understand your needs and help get the most from your data with custom analytics.

researcher in front of data charts
Better understand participants’ biomarkers
Easy-to-use reports and data formats
Backed by cited scientific research

Built to overcome the challenges of the digital age

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A commitment to compliance
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Labfront adheres to ICH-GCP, HIPAA, SOC 1/2/3 and GDPR. We keep up to date with the regulations so you don’t have to.

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A commitment to privacy
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Unlike big-tech, we believe in data privacy. You control your data. We will never sell your data, ever. Period.

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A commitment to security
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Labfront is built with the best practices in security in mind. Features like secure encryption that protects your data both at rest and in transit are tablestakes.